Many times when we think of affirmations, we associate them with trying to being able to accept a physical thing into our life. There is more to affirmations than trying to receive a thing or things, we can also use affirmations to enhance our own personality, our well being, and just being.
I have been inspired by more than a handful of spiritual teachers over the years. One such person was Neville Goddard. He believed very much in the power of one's word.One of his segments focused on short phrased that each begin with two simple words. They are, I am, I feel, and I know.
They are to be used with the intent of declaring your self identity.
I sat down with pen and paper in hand, and sectioned my paper into three sections, one for each phrase prompt. Without any preconceived idea as to what I would write. I just sat in the moment and wrote. I wrote three statements that started with I am, two statements that began with I feel, and four statements that began with I know. I kept them relatively short. It's easier to recall and implement short statements.
I felt good. I felt validated. Having journaled in this way, I felt more empowered, and those thoughts resonated with me at various times throughout the day.
*I invite you to give it a try. With pen and paper, write I am on the top line, I feel about a third of the way down, and I know around two thirds of the way down. Then journal the thoughts that come to you in relation to what you want to declare about yourself.*
Neville Goddard recommended to do this practice on a daily basis, either in the morning or evening. I liked too, that it didn't have to be both morning and evening. That felt lighter to me.
Goddard also recommended giving it time. Making a change, happens over time. The more one does this practice, the more changes will start to take place, in your thoughts and how you perceive yourself.
As always with affirmations, make the statements in the present tense; i.e. I am a spiritual being. I feel happy with my self. I know I am on the right path.
This is your path, your journey. If you would like special stationery for your journey, I have created three designs that you can choose from. Mind you, this isn't a have to. The choice is yours. I personally looked through some various notebooks and journals I had previously purchased, and chose the one that sang to me in that moment.
If you are interested in looking, the first one I designed features a pink floral corner border.
The second one is a teal, aqua border.
The third one is a scroll design.
May you enjoy your journey and your growth.
Cheryl Paton