Saturday, February 26, 2022

Cute Cat Shirts for Cat Lovers

Meow; come on in and check out my cat designs on tshirts:

This unique cat shirt features a fun design of plants and flowers that are listed as safe for cats to eat, painted on a black cat. She makes quite the fashion statement.

Cats are such great friends. They are are a purr-fect way to help stay calm. I love petting mine.

It has been said that dogs are man's best friend. Did you know that cats and dogs can also be best friends? These fun outline designs can also be a coloring/painting activity. Read more about that here.

Did you know that cats are also great teachers? On this funny shirt, two cats demonstrate an awesome way to use a mini trampoline!

Thank you for stopping by. If you like this page, please share it.

Cheryl Paton

Friday, February 25, 2022

Pause for Peace

Choose the video that you feel drawn to, then watch and listen to relaxing music as you affirm the positive affirmation - Peace everywhere.

Have a beautiful blessed day.

If you liked this blog post, please share. Thank you.

Cheryl Paton

Monday, February 14, 2022

The Affirmation Experiment

Welcome. Here you will find a set of three affirmations that I came up with that helped me. I hope that you find them helpful too. I am offering them to you for your own personal use in exchange for your feedback, and or sharing if you found them helpful too.

The instructions are pretty simple:

Read the affirmations first and decide if you want to do this experiment. Here they are: "I bring out and attract the good in others. I easily, happily, and kindly accept the kindnesses of others. I enjoy giving the kindnesses that I have to give." If you want to do this experiment, then you will make a commitment to yourself to do the readings for one week.

Then you will write down the affirmations on an index card (or whatever you have), read them three times a day - preferrably once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and again in the evening. Also preferrably out loud, and at least one time of the day - in front of a mirror, though this is not required.

Read them again the next day and continue on with the reading of the affirmations for seven days in a row. Then come back here and share your feedback. If you like the results after doing the experiment for seven days, then share this blog post, or the flyer below, with another/others. The specific details, along with the affirmations, follow:

Step 1. - Day 1.
Copy and write the following three affirmations on an index card. Write everything that is in the quotes.

"I bring out and attract the good in others. I easily, happily, and kindly accept the kindnesses of others. I enjoy giving the kindnesses that I have to give."

Step 2. - Commit to yourself.
If you choose to do this experiment, then commit to yourself to repeat these affirmations for at least one full week, seven days in a row. Pause now to make your commitment, and add a comment below to add your intention.

Step 3. - Then read the affirmations several times a day, for seven days in a row.
Read the affirmations out loud, with positive feeling, at least three (3) times daily, for a full week. It can be helpful to say at least one of these times in front of a mirror. An occasional glance will suffice. If any of the affirmations doesn't seem quite true, just suspend your disbelief, perhaps read that affirmation again, and continue on.

Step 4. Honor your commitment.
Keep repeating the affirmations for at least a week, following the instructions in step 3, to honor your commitment.

Step 5. Day 8..
After you have done this affirmation experiment for one whole week, come back and share your feedback. Decide if you want to continue with reading the affirmations for another week or more. Whether or not you have noticed any progress or not at first, you can still decide what you want to do. The more time that you give to affirming these affirmations, the more natural thought that they can become.

If you have found using these affirmations helpful, then please share this blog page, and or purchase copies of the flyer below for sharing.

Thank you for your consideration and or participation. Bless you.

Cheryl Paton