There are times when I walk by and read one of my little affirmation reminders, that my mood can make a positive shift.
It also helps me when I purposely smile at myself in front of a mirror!
You may be wondering what this has to do with art. When I first started using affirmations, I found that I wanted something more. For me, it helped to have little pictures that went with the affirmation; my mind then made a quicker connection to them, and it also gave my mind an image. I liked that, and it worked for me.
If you like art, then that might work for you too.
It helps to be appreciative and/or loving. Think about a favorite experience, or when you felt loving towards someone (it can even be towards yourself.) It's nice to foster those kinds of feelings. If you can't seem to think of one, you can always create a new one. Think of something that you want to happen, and then think of how you would feel should that event happen.
Rhymes are also a good way to make a positive connection to good feelings. I make them up for myself and used to also make them up for my daughter when she was a kid:
I have said this little rhyme often, to help me think of things that I appreciate.
And yes you are loved. It helps when you are also loving towards yourself. Give yourself a hug, a smile; you're worth it.
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are loved, loving, and lovable. And then we may need to update our minds on what loving is - such as being kind, doing something nice, giving praise or a compliment to another, and/or to yourself.
When we teach our minds what we expect loving to be, we'll be more able to recognize the love in ourselves and then we can see more of it in our lives.
Smiling also helps. Think about something you like, or you could even just smile first. Sometimes the positive thought can also follow the positive action.
Affirmations on playing type cards are a fun way to practice affirmations. You can shuffle them up and pick a card a day, or start from the top and work to the bottom; or select an artistic picture that you feel drawn to; however you might like to play. This is the deck of Positive Affirmation Cards that I ordered. They are bright and colorful and have wonderful sayings. I will make a blog post just about these after I have had a chance to use them for awile. I will then post a link for that blog once I write and publish it. I am estimating that it will be out on November 21, 2024.
In joy.
Cheryl Paton
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