Wednesday, November 20, 2024

How to give a straight haircut at home

My daughter had long hair, past her shoulders, which she wanted cut in to a straight shoulder length cut. I had watched beauty shop people do it before, and had done it that way before, too. Then one day, at the beginning of the haircut, I had a new idea; It worked so much better. Read on to find instructions and supplies.


Gather your supplies. You will need quality hair cutting scissors, a cape, a chair that is high enough for giving haircuts, and a comb.


Wet the hair down. Wet hair is easier to cut than dry.

* Measure from the top of the head down to the desired length of the haircut. Note how much more hair is below, lengthwise, of where the new length is to be.

Section a two to three inch wide strip of hair on the top of the head and comb.

You want to keep the strip on the thinner side, so that this section doesn't become too layered.

This is the first cut, and the most important one. This first step determines the length of the rest of the hair cut.

Holding this strip straight up on top of the head, depending on which side you're on, recall the measurement from * that you noted above. Cut from front to back or back to front, keeping the edges straight. Hold the hair between your fingers on one hand, and cut with the other hand.

This photo is from after I already did the first cut.


To get a good hair cut, quality scissors are essential. Use these scissors for hair cutting only, so that they'll stay sharp.

Professional Haircutting Scissors

Note: I could not find the shears on Amazon that I have used for over 40 years. They are by Revlon if you are interested. You might find them elsewhere. Otherwise, the ones above got very good reviews, overall.

Comb the first section of cut hair down into the remaining hair.

Part the hair in the center.

Starting on one side, combing as you go, find the end of the first layer that you just cut, pulling in some under hair, pull both sections straight, and cut that section of hair to the edge of the already cut hair that you are holding.

If you are working with thick hair, you may need to do this step several times in each section. For thinner hair, you may be able to easily cut more layers of hair at once.

Repeat on the other side.


A hair cutting cape helps to keep loose hair off the shoulders and clothing. This one is adjustable with snaps, and is also machine washable. This link goes to Amazon.

Using the same technique, and the two sides to help you keep things in line, cut the back hair.

Comb hair well, in different directions to loosen up any pieces that may have become hidden.

Cut to the length of the cut hair.


Having my daughter sit at a comfortable height for me, is a big help. This artist drafting chair is adjustable, and also has a back rest and a foot rest, making it comfortable for her as well. I prefer using a chair without arms on it. This link for it goes to Amazon.

Voila, she is happy with her hair cut.


Why I like this method.

I didn't have to pin piles of hair on her head.

I didn't have to cut one side and keep measuring to see if they were even. Holding the top layer straight over the center of her head, at the beginning of the cut, served as my guide for keeping the hair even, once I combed that section down.

This is the basic haircut that I have been giving my daughter for around the last 20 years.

See how I gave myself a short haircut here:

Cheryl Paton

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Coloring Books by Cheryl Paton

Here you will find a variety of coloring books by Cheryl Paton, listed in alphabetical order by category. You will find coloring books for kids to adults, including animal themed, floral and seasonal designs, and more.

The coloring images are printed on one side of the page. A blank area or a decorative area is printed on the back of each page to help minimize bleed through. This also provides a nice option for hanging all or any of the colored in images.

Some books can actually fit in to two categories. For now, I have listed the qualifying coloring book in the two qualifying categories.

The book titles are listed alphabetically in the corresponding categories. Each of the links below open up in a new window on Amazon.


Positive Affirmation Coloring Book
Proverbs As Affirmations Coloring Book

Birds and Flowers Coloring Book for Adults
Happy Dogs Coloring Book
I Love Cats Coloring Book (with cute sayings)
I Love Cats Coloring Book Two
More Than a Hound Dog Coloring Book
What Animals Eat Maze and Coloring Book

Birds and Flowers Coloring Book for Adults

Easter Scrapbook Paper and Coloring Pages

Motivational Coloring Book for Walking

Occupations are Opportunities Coloring Book

Signs of Autumn Coloring Book for Adults

Check out my review of one of the coloring books that I ordered, Signs of Autumn Coloring Book for Adults on Review This Reviews.

Cheryl Paton

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Cheryl Paton Scrapbook Paper

Here you will find a fun variety of scrapbook paper in paperback books, for your scrapbooking creativity. They are grouped alphabetically by theme. The text links below go to Amazon:

Fun Dinosaur Scrapbook Paper
Cute Cats Scrapbook Paper
Owls Scrapbook Paper

Baby Girl Themed
Themed Scrapbook Paper Baby Boy

Beach Themed Scrapbook Paper

Happy Birthday Scrapbook Paper

Black and White Butterfly Scrapbook Paper

Colors and Patterns
Abstract Scrapbook Paper
Blends and Stripes Scrapbook Paper
Dots and Stripes Scrapbook Paper
Pink Designs and Patterns Scrapbook Paper
Polka Dots on Blends Scrapbook Paper

Black and White Floral Scrapbook Paper
Floral Scrapbook Paper
Pink Floral Scrapbook Paper
Sunflower Scrapbook Paper
Vintage Pink Floral Scrapbook Paper
White Daisy Turquoise Scrapbook Paper

Ice Cream Scrapbook Paper
Mediterranean Lemon Scrapbook Paper
Fruit Theme Scrapbook Paper
Vegetables and Sides Scrapbook Paper

Black Graduation Scrapbook Paper
Blue Graduation Scrapbook Paper
Green Graduation Scrapbook Paper
Purple Graduation Scrapbook Paper
Red Graduation Scrapbook Paper

Hearts Scrapbook Paper

Easter Scrapbook Paper and Coloring Pages
Easter Theme Scrapbook Paper
Purple Halloween Scrapbook Paper
St Patrick Scrapbook Paper
Valentine Hearts Scrapbook Paper

Lined Scrapbook Paper for Writing
Turquoise Notes Scrapbook Paper

Colorful Love Hands Scrapbook Paper

Original Peace Sign Scrapbook Paper

Fall Themed Scrapbook Paper

Blue and Yellow Wedding Scrapbook Paper
Black and White Wedding Scrapbook Paper

Words and Speech Bubbles
Positive Words and Blank Speech Bubbles Scrapbook Paper

All of the above books are 8.5 x 11 inches, and the designs are printed on double sided paper for more creative options.

The pages are not perforated but can be removed by removing the spine of the book and or cutting the pages from the book.

The colors are premium and the designs are printed on white paper.

Your design theme requests are welcome, just let me know in a comment below.

If you'd like to more about the paper in the black and white paperbacks as compared to the color designs, check out my review: Scrapbook Paper in Paperbacks, Review.

Cheryl Paton earns commissions on qualified purchases made through links on this page. The above links will take you to Amazon. Her author page on Amazon is

Check out individual scrapbooking sheets, albums, and rubber stamps in my store on Zazzle. Most of these pages are different from the ones in the above books, and some page designs coordinate very nicely with pages in the above books.

Cheryl Paton