Friday, May 11, 2012

Art on Products, Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly Stationery

butterfly in pointillism
The swallowtail butterfly has a tail like extension on its bottom wings; that is how it got its name, swallowtail.

I love butterflies, no matter what kind they are, and I also love painting them. The yellow swallowtail is one of many butterflies that I've painted so far. In this one the butterfly itself is done in pointillism. The stems and leaves are painted with regular acrylic blending techniques.

This pretty butterfly is shown to the left of the address on lined stationery. The address is easy to personalize on the provided template form.

A larger version is printed on these custom postcards.

If you prefer more private correspondence, this beautiful design is also ready on greeting cards.

And here it is on stickers; a pretty way to seal the envelope.

If your thoughts are more towards, Thinking of you, then this card is for you.

Thank you for stopping by.

Cheryl Paton

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